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Writer's pictureDr. Roger D Duke



The story behind the hymn.

Just prior to the Civil War, in 1858, Christians of Philadelphia were united to bring the city to Christ. Their combined effort bound believers together in a series of evangelistic crusades. Morning and evening services were held in churches and many other venues that were available. [1]

Dudley Tyng, a twenty-nine-year-old Episcopal priest, preached to around five thousand during one of the revival crusades of the time. His text was Exodus 10:11; “Go now ye that are men and serve the Lord.” [2] It is noteworthy that he had recently been removed from his local parish position for speaking out against slavery. But at this meeting, however, an estimated one thousand young men of the YMCA (Young Man’s Christian Association) gathering came to Christ under his preaching. [3]

Four days after the meeting Tyng was fatally injured in a farming accident. As he lay a-dying, ministry colleagues gathered around to hear his final confession. What he said had been impressed upon his heart since the revival meeting when so many had come to Christ. He told his brethren to exhort the new Christiand, “Tell them to stand up for Jesus.” [4]

George Duffield, a Presbyterian minister, who was present had been moved by Tyng’s dying utterances. The following Sunday he preached a message from Ephesians 6:14 entitled; “Stand therefore!” The death of his friend Tyng had inspired both the sermon and a poem he had written, “Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus!” The verse eventually ended up in a Baptist newspaper where it was published. [5] [6] It went on to be featured in many denominational hymnals and is a favorite for revival services even to this present day!

A message from a dying Episcopal Priest, a poem from a Presbyterian minister a leaflet in the hands of a Baptist paper, to a well-beloved revival hymn; now you know “the rest of the story” of “Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus!”

Stanza One:

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!

Ye soldiers of the Cross;

Lift high his royal banner,

It must not suffer loss.

From vict'ry unto vict'ry

His army he shall lead,

Till ev'ry foe is vanquished

And Christ is Lord indeed.

Stanza Two:

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!

The trumpet call obey,

Forth to the mighty conflict

In this his glorious day.

Ye that are men now serve him

Against unnumbered foes:

Let courage rise with danger,

And strength to strength oppose.

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!

Stanza Three:

Stand in his strength alone;

The arm of flesh will fail you

Ye dare not trust your own

Put on the Gospel armour,

Each piece put on with pray'r;

Where duty calls or danger

Be never wanting there!

Stanza Four:

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!

The strife will not be long;

This day the noise of battle,

The next the victor's song.

To him that overcometh

A crown of life shall be;

He with the King of Glory

Shall reign eternally!

Lyrics taken from:,_Stand_Up_for_Jesus

[1] William J. Petersen and Randy Peterson, devotionals; Robert K. Brown and Mark R. Norton, comps. & eds. One Year Book of Hymns: 365 Devotional Readings Based on Great Hymns of the Faith (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1995), June 9 entry.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid, Peterson and Peterson.

[5] Ibid,

[6] Ibid, Peterson and Peterson.

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